For the sake of continuous learning in conflict affected areas, we provide learning materials that are needed for learning in Camp setting. There are so many limitations such as transportation, security, communication and so on but we tried to reach the people in need of support and provide the support they basically need. But …
Importance of signatory toilets in disease control
In a crowded place like the camp setting, it is important to have a signatory excretion area. If not, there may be a high risk of vector borne diseases and other infections. Getting sick is not that easy for a displaced person. Due to insufficient medical supplies and lack of infrastructures in the medical care unit of the camp, prevention …
Hygiene matters!!
As a displaced person, there are many limitations of carrying things away from their homes. Even though they want to do routine hygienic habits, resource limitations come first in this situation. With the lack of personal hygiene, the community may suffer diarrhoea, cholera and many other communicable infections. That may lead to”an outbreak” and it will be very difficult to …
We need your support!!
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller As a devastating effect of COUP and COVID 19, there emerges a rise of the vulnerable population across Myanmar while displaced to a nearby secure location. Soon after the crisis, the existing weakened and fragile systems totally collapsed along with forced displacement, no opportunity for livelihood, …